Cat's Thing of the Moment

Monday, April 7, 2014

Kaitlin "Kit" Carthage forever

Daydreaming Robot “Broken” Yeah, right, you think. This is pretty ugly. Scarring’s looking almost impossible. Like, seriously, do people actually do this kind of stuff? My lilting corpse is on your table, echoing in and out of existence. I exhale. “You can see me, right?” You’re startled. My brow furrows. Have I upset you? I wish I could touch you, calm you, kiss you, love you. Why. WHY. I’m angry at you. // “Yes,” you breathe. Yes, I can see you, a smile. “May I love you romantically?” I ask. My blunt delivery catches you off guard, which is something to be said, giving how odd this situation is for you. I’m new to this too, don’t worry. “I love someone else,” you finally utter. I unclench my jaw. Heehee, that’s cute. I hadn’t noticed how tense I was. That’s okay, my good sir. I love your soul platonically already. I’ll stop there. I thought I’d ask permission. It seems fair, as you are the object of my desire. You deserve a say. “What happened to me?” Black tears leak from what could have been called tear ducts were I still human. Augmented, I catch your flash of thought. Hnn… It’s nice to be able to connect with you, you know, on this level. Intimate. “Your, uh, our father… Didn’t want to lose you. “He couldn’t cope with your poor health… Kinda went black magic on you, trying to save you. Ended up damning your soul to an eternity on Earth. Built this bucket of— Uh, I mean, he built you a new… residence. Tried to make it as life-like as possible. And, uh… I don’t mean to make this awkward, but, you looked incredibly hot. Granted, it was his idealized version of your image, but… Damn. I, uh, hah… Well, anyway, he kinda offed himself to bring you back, uh, back into… This.” Eyes open. Oh. Hmm… I like it. Porcelain skin, soft and smooth, flesh-like, incredibly realistic. Would you mind if…? I smile, revealing the metal workings of realistic eye-crinkle what-evers. Oh, my… Well, this is… Unexpected. I gaze upon myself from the eyes of the other me. Heehee, this psychic stuff is fun. Too bad she’ll disappear back to her dimension when this is done. I heard that. My lips are delicate, I see. Peachy undertones are hinted at, which I admire. Rosey hues flush against my eyes, lined with the finest of lashes. Like, seriously, I knew I was bi-curious before, but this is a whole new level of sexy narcissism. Mmm… My head is getting clearer. »Good. Wait. No, don’t— »I have to go. Please, but I’m so close to— »Sweetie, you have to learn your new body’s functions. Unlike a human, you’ve got no instinct packed into your little bytey brain. Human soul forced into a body like this? Sounds miserable… I bet I could make it fun… I remember psychology and philosophy from my studies. Maybe I can find a way to train this circuitry to day dream like I used to. God, I miss daydreams.

Cat's Second Thing of the Moment

Cute Lynx